What are Supplement Reviews?

The primary aim of supplement review articles is to provide peer-reviewed data about a given supplement. This data will be presented in an easy-to-understand manner so that the reader can fully grasp the mechanism, dose, and usage of each supplement. Supplement reviews are not medical advice and further discussion with an expert in the field (perhaps several since they are not created equal) including personal research in academic journals is recommended.

Why Supplement Reviews?

Unfortunately, supplement market fraud goes beyond multi-ingredient products and into single-ingredient marketing as well. Along with this, a simple scan through a vitamin shop, or even amazon can confuse nearly anyone. These reviews will highlight supplements that are backed by peer-reviewed science and help the reader make choices about the supplements for them.

A Brief Look at Apigenin
Introduction to Apigenin Apigenin is a flavonoid, a type of plant compound, found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. It is known for …
Supplement Review #6: L-Theanine
Background In America alone, 84 billion servings of tea were consumed in 2019, with 15% of that coming from green tea. Considering America is not …
Supplement Review #5: Theacrine
Background Caffeine is the most commonly used nootropic and cognitive-enhancing drug in the world. It is found in nearly every energy drink, pre-workout, tea, and …