Let’s Optimize Together

Improve your Well-being

I write scientific articles that extract valuable & useful information from published journal articles. The article posts are centered on health and use novel research to enhance longevity and vitality.


An essential element to creating your version of success is productivity. High workforce output and unfathomable quality of that work can be enhanced through pharmaceutical and lifestyle aids found in my scientifically driven articles. These articles contain practical information that will allow you, the reader, to enhance your life in a multifaceted manner.

Joshua Giblin

My name is Joshua Giblin. I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Southern Calfornia. Although I am obtaining a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering at USC Viterbi, I also love sharing my knowledge in various subject. These subjects range from cognitive science, physiology, and nutrition. Through this blog, I aim to communicate practical scientific research. Thank you for reading the blog and showing your support.